Sunday, January 1, 2012

That was a Fast Year!!!

It is hard to believe that I already finished my first year of teaching. What is even harder to believe is that I am almost half-way through my second year already.

Let me just say-I LOVE my job :) I honestly can't even call it a "job." It is more like a passion than anything else. I am so lucky that my dream came true and everyday when I wake up I am GRATEFUL beyond belief!

I work with some of the GREATEST staff in the world. They each have taught me so much about the world of teaching and into the minds of 10/11 year olds. Each day brings a new day of laughter with my fellow staff members and inside the classroom with the kids.

Each day is something new. There is never a dull moment or quiet one for that matter. I love the chaos that the school environment thrives on each day!

Cheers to a NEW YEAR and a little girls dream come true!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Sorry I spelled the word teacher wrong (in the emails I sent you announcing the blog), guess that happens when you rush! At least I caught before anyone called me out on it.


On Wednesday Mike and I went out to try and find our new place to call home. However, we had no luck :( However at 9:30 A.M. I got the call from my principal that the school board approved my employment :) Then I set up an appointment to meet with the business manager to sign my contract at 3:30 in the afternoon yesterday. It went great!! I couldn't believe the contract was only 1 page long. I thought it was going to be like a mini book.

I am waiting to talk with my mentors and I start training on Aug 9th. School starts ONE MONTH from tomorrow. Totally excited however very nervous as well. Lots to do before then. I hope they don't wait till the last minute.

I think I am really going to like this Blog thing, cuz man its gets exhausting telling your news over and over and over again to everyone. No offense. Plus with teaching I won't have time to call and tell everyone- everything. So at least you have this journal of mine :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Anxiously Awaiting

Well, tonight was the board meeting to approve me as a teacher for the school district. I am waiting for the call tomorrow from the principal to tell me the great news! Then the ball can start rolling... signing the contract, meeting my mentors, setting up my classroom, and then the training begins. Oh how I am just overjoyed and thrilled :)